The next few days promise to be refreshingly weird. I have turned in my laptop and cell phone and my bags are packed for my boxing day departure to Canberra. As Santa knows all too well the trip from Canada to Oz takes about 24 hours and the pesky international date line provides an additional one day kick in the forward direction which means that I will arrive in Australia sometime on Monday December 28th. Given my lack of communication with the outside world and the time vortex into which I will be falling, my existence on December 27th, 2009 will be dubious at best.
I have just returned from the bank, where I provided the teller with a hearty Holiday laugh by asking for a few Australian dollars for my wallet, just in case I arrive in the land down under and my cheerful Canadian disposition is not enough to secure lifes essentials. When he said "Did you order the currency in advance?"; I knew it was a bad sign. Two minutes and a thousand keystrokes later he informed me that there was not a single Australian Dollar in my hometown - after all "it's not a popular currency" - ouch! Oh well, penny less it is!
So I'm all geared up; to my welcoming party at the Canberra airport, I'd like to apologize in advance for the 2 day no shower program on which I am about to undertake. I see that the weather forecast in Canberra promises 29 degrees Celsius and sunny for my arrival, sweet.
Talk again soon,