Mackenzie continues to hit the golf course every single day and endure the ups and downs of the silliest game every invented. Malcolm and I have joined a badminton club and attempt to chase and hit the most ridiculous looking feathered object ...with varying results. Shannon is now working full time teaching a grade 1/2 split, and like always has poured both her heart and soul into the enterprise.
We are half way through second school term here in Canberra. I have just started to look for our next vacation destination. A walking tour in Tasmania or a quick flight to fiji (or feeeeeegeeeee as it is pronpounced in 'stralian), is currently on offer. I'd love to do the tour of Tassie but fiji might look pretty good in July (that's winter folks).
Can't wait to get home and comendere Malcolm's IPAD for a game of scrabble. I play only a modestnumber of games every day (like 5). I have to do something while Malcolm obsesses over Baseball tonight - you'd think he had inherited a defective gene that leads him to be obsessed with the game (nah).