Come to think of it, I didn't used to write, I used to type. Just bang on the keys and watch what would come out, APA and Oxford Commas be damned. I have no idea what combination of keystrokes led to my old blogger page jumping to the front of my monitor this afternoon, but here it is and I'm typing once more.
My last entry was 2015. A few things have happened in the interim.
My country of residence (not my country of citizenship, let's be clear) has lost its mind. I think. Or maybe I've lost my mind. Or we have both lost our minds - yep I'm pretty sure that's it. I remember when I was growing up in Canada in the 70's I never felt as though the United States was much different than Canada. Just bigger with more TV channels. But somewhere along the way it hitched itself to some kind of Ayn Rand fairy tail and now its politics are incomprehensible. Looking back I blame Michael J Fox, a Canadian no less. MJF played Alex Keaton on the show Family Ties, he was a lovely young gentleman who played a Nixon loving, conservative sycophant. I think he made it seem cool. People ... he was kidding!Alas.
I know I am old because I absolutely cringe at reboots of movies and TV shows. Can't anyone find another vehicle for a screenplay, like, say, one of my three novels ... #I'mnotbitter. While the world swooned over Gal Gadot as the new Wonder Woman, my heart remained true to Lynda Carter, who, by the way, I understand, lives in Maryland and is a huge Capitals Fan (thank you for the insight my dear friend Twitter). BUT, that said, I'd like to throw my full support behind the new Mary Poppins adaptation. The intersection of Mary Poppins and Emily Blunt is the greatest natural combination since peanut butter and bananas. As for that husband of hers trying to play Jack Ryan, No, Just No.
Lastly, my children grew up and left me. I'm not handling it well. I walk around our townhouse like a lost puppy trying to find them. No Dice. What I miss most is that for 22 years they were my excuse to not do something else. Oh no, "I can't possibly go to that function this evening, I have to drop Mackenzie off at the golf course (I'd join her of course) and Malcolm needs help with his Math Homework (he didn't)." Now my excuses - "Oh I couldn't possibly I'm far too busy", have a frightening lack of sincerity. But I understand they will be returning for Christmas, so to all my friends and colleagues, I gotta get home.