I caddied for Mackenzie today as she played her first round of match play. It's a different brand of golf, in that you are playing against one opponent rather than a whole field, and usually to contribute points for your team, rather than individual glory. It is usually an adjustment for most players, but Mackenzie does change well. The match was essentially over after the first shot, when the boy (older) she was playing against tried to equal her tee shot and couldn't; from there it was clinical. After 11 holes, Mackenzie had won 8 and 3 holes were tied, so there was no need to continue. Of course my daughter was gracious from the moment she arrived at the course, until the moment she walked over to tell her opponent that the game had mercifully ended. Golf doesn't often offer up easy days, there are plenty more occasions when you are eaten alive with inner turmoil, and left searching the heavens for answers. But today was a walk in the park.
I have found that I really like caddying. Of course, it doesn't hurt when I'm lugging around clubs for my favourite player, but I think I would like to do more of it for other players as well. I enjoy being involved in the competition and enabling success.
The day before I could be found coaching Malcolm's baseball team. Coaching baseball was once my true passion; but with a sport like baseball there are so many factors that must be in place to make for a successful coaching experience. In the past I have had the privilege of coaching with some great people and working with players all pulling together for a common goal. When it all comes together, it's great.
I guess its no coincidence that my children have picked up a couple of my favourite sports and run with them. There was certainly every opportunity to find the implements of the games around our house. And as my mother used to say, "ye wilney larn if ya dinny jine it". There is a translation for that expression but I can't divulge, as it would loose all elements of its poetry if changed.
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