Shannon and I now have bicycles and took our first ride on Sunday morning...down to a local restaurant for breakfast. That trip is probably not in the Scarsdale manual, but boy, it was tasty.
On Saturday I exchanged Christmas gifts with a good friend who purchased me a bottle of Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey, a delicacy in these parts, and yes I can confirm that the seal has been broken. In exchange she made us a roast beef dinner. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what the exchange part was all about; I had a second helping of dessert if that helps.
Next weekend Mackenzie and I are off to Wagga Wagga; the town so nice they named it twice. On the official city website in describing the metropolis it actually says "Wagga Wagga (or Wagga for short)", I wonder how long it took to come up with the nickname?
It has been raining in Canberra on and off for about 2 weeks, but today it dispensed with the off and just kept a coming. When it rains here it doesn't mess around. It is also the loudest city in the world when there is a shower because every roof is made of steel. Tonight the downpour is Brahms in A minor.
Last week I went to Sydney for the day. It was a fly in, fly out affair. On the way back to town I rubbed elbows with Tony Abbott (leader of the Federal opposition party, and soon to be Prime Minister), he was buying licorice in the domestic terminal. He's a raspberry swirl guy, you heard it here first.
I went to a seminar yesterday on social media marketing, unfortunately the presenter's Internet connection failed and he had to explain the many uses of twitter with finger puppets. When he got back on line he had received 3 tweets from audience members suggesting he try a new line of work. Sweet.
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