I never stop at garage sales. I don't know what got in to me but somehow a cardboard sign on the side of the road next to the Weston Creek Seniors Home sucked me in - how did I ever let my guard down. Given the clientele the sale was littered with tea cozies and coasters, all looked bleak until Malcolm and I spotted Trivial Pursuit, the Genus Edition, and we began to reminisce about the games back in Canada at the Kitchen table... why not. I inquired about the price of the item and I was told to make an offer, after careful deliberation I came up with the figure of $5, which was received with a "Hmmmm...its pretty new". If pretty new means a ripped box, yellow cards and a die that was barely cube shaped, then consider my fiver an insulting offer. I stood firm and 10 minutes later Malcolm and I were driving home giddy over our find.
You can't force a trivial pursuit game so it took a few days (actually a week) to break it out, but tonight was the night. Question #1 - Which Australian Prime Minister....Question #2 - In Cricket....Question #3 - What river in Queensland.... Obviously the Genus edition was redone in Australia for a more Southern Hemisphere feel. Generally a game of TP takes the Rice's about an hour but this time there was no end in site, after 10 consecutive Ned Kelly questions we had just about given up, before we found a Geography question that read "What is the capital of Canada?" I imagine there's an Australian family that got stuck on that one.
By the way I'm, having a garage sale soon and the the first item up for sale is an Australian trivial Pursuit game, only used once...I'll start the bidding at 50 cents.
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