People ask me all the time what I miss about home. This week I have no trouble answering, without hesitation it is my old home golf club, Vespra Hills. You see Vespra opens May 1 and of all the places I have played in my life, it is the one closest to my heart. I miss the lush fairways, quick greens and sheer peacefulness. I miss the driving range on a Sunday night, hitting balls with Mackenzie and convincing ourselves that we had finally unlocked the mysteries of the our golf swings (we hadn't). I miss the staff and the food in the clubhouse. I especially miss treating my family and friends to a night out in what seemed to be our own private restaurant. I miss laughing at Russ and with Cinder.
When I think of Vespra Hills a line from the movie Field of Dreams comes to mind, "When a place touches you like this one, the wind never blows so cool again".
I miss the fourth hole on the Sandhills nine, the one Mackenzie rightfully pegged as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. It was home to some pretty big numbers over the years, but you didn't mind staying longer because the view was always worth it.
I promise to make it back to play it again and I envision the same cast of characters hanging around the course, enjoying a game and stopping by to say hello to Mackenzie and I perhaps not realizing that we were ever gone at all.
Good memories of the place I taught my little girl the game I love.
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